Andrea Pizzo and her band of Purple Mice are back with their latest double single, titled Bombshell. The two tracks are, like most of their work, inspired by the constructs and history of science and scientific discovery. They celebrate the contributions and achievements of Hedy Lamarr and Alan Turing in shaping the modern world. While speaking to this, Andrea Pizzo explains, “We were interested in talking about these two great, unfortunate and forgotten inventors who have had such a great impact on contemporary society…. Both of whom were victims of prejudice and human wickedness.”

The title track introduces the double single with its modern electronica influenced by classic pop accents. It dips into retro pop and soul structures to espouse a simultaneous display of celebration and melancholy. Andrea’s vocals remarkably align with the style of Amy Winehouse. The Ballad of Alan Mathison follows in its predecessor’s stead in its soulful exhibition and vintage appeal. It is, however, powered by a dominant rock beat cycle. We see punk jargons looped into strident riffs and fuzzy basslines. And Andrea’s haunted voice spills tragedy on this scene. Listen Now!

The track is available for streaming on popular sites like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, and Amazon Music!

You can listen to Bombshell by Andrea Pizzo here –