Wavewulf is a music project by artists Nicholas Long. His interest for music was self-admittedly sparked at a Depeche Mode Concert which led him to experiment with synthesizers from the age of 13. Having been a part of several local bands, Wavewulf soon started producing his own music which he has been releasing since 2020. A lot of his music is melancholic and the themes he chooses to explore are informed by real life experience.

Wavewulf’s latest single “In Every Blue” has very sharp and nostalgic synths that are upbeat and staccato, almost doubling up as a form of percussion. The hard-hitting 808 beats are filled with hi-hats and bring in much modernity to the sonic palette. The chorus that is inspired by modern EDM is a surprising shift in ambience enhanced only by the soothing vocal performance. The vocal delivery is especially magnanimous during the chorus.  I thought that the airy back-up vocals were well done, especially when placed in juxtaposition to the strong voice of the lead vocalist.

The songwriting is very reassuring. The first verse describes all that can go wrong in one’s life and declares support and presence despite and through it all. However, because listener at this point is unsure of who the “We” in “We will be there” is, there are possibilities for divine and spiritual interpretations. As soon as it becomes clear that friendship or chosen family is the support system, it becomes possible to explore the unconditional love in these relationships.

I enjoyed how Wavewulf produces modern upbeat EDM music and is able to explore dark themes within it, all while not letting go of the air of intense nostalgia. Make sure to check out his latest single “In Every Blue” here: