Ari Joshua fathoms an interactive soundscape with his latest release, Dragons Layer. The artist shapes legends, dreams, and adventure with mercurial and memorable arches of sound and movement. With incredibly experimental and cinematic builds, the track inspires stories of troubles, triumph, and treasures. The genius of it is however in how every listener will experience its sonic facets differently. It is built to allow the mind to wander and explore, and make it what they want it to be. The track features the talent of John Medeski, Billy Martin, and Jason Fraticelli alongside Ari Joshua. Listen Now! 

Ari Joshua is a composer, multi-instrumentalist, and an explorer. He enjoys pushing the boundaries of the known to discover the perspectives of the beyond. That’s what makes him such a great musician. This track especially is one of his grandest efforts in experimentation. With jazz, funk, rock, and even orchestral pieces, he enables the wandering mind with warping effects, chromatism, distortions, and mystifying elements. 

The track is Engineered by Chris Bittner, Applehead Recording, Mixed by Matt Rifino, Magic Matt Mixing, Eric Eagle Score Studio, Mastered by Ed Brooks, Resonant Mastering Strings by Phillip Peterson, House of Breaking Glass. 

The track is available for streaming on popular sites like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, and Amazon Music! 

You can listen to Dragons Layer by Ari Joshua here –