Jeristotle is the philosopher of the rhyme that you have waited for. Very few respect the elements of hip-hop to understand the textures it holds. If this genre is a reflection of society and reaches from satire to self-reflection, this artist is doing it all. This is his latest number, They Sold Me On The TV.
There are words in this song that get you the moment you hear them. Mass journalism has negatively impacted a lot of people’s opinion and thinking. With his clinically surgical hip-hop verses, Jeristotle brings all of it to light. It is in lyrics like I feel like I’m come a come chamillion, Dress like me at comicon lives I’ve lived a million. From alliteration to elements of pop culture, he combs through it all to find the essence of reality and the thoughts that consume us. It is another brilliant track by a poet who spends his time thinking, and wants his art to mean something. Listen to the whole song, and you’ll see how masterfully he navigates troubled waters. Amphibian, if someone has ever been.
Every Album Needs a Banger, Kintsugi Beauty are some highlight tracks that will keep your mind elevated. Jeristotle has the kind of music that separates the cream from the crop, so indulge in his music below. Listen to his song here with us: