Raynald Grenier has always melted hearts with his compositions. A talented pianist, musician and most importantly an omniscient composer, this man has been the soundtrack of many feelings and effects. His latest single plays on a scale, which tips the balance to become a heart piercing instrumental masterpiece. This one is called Sonatina in C sharp.

It would interest you to know that a sonatina is a smaller excerpt of a sonata. It is limited within the scale, and more elementary. Nothing is usually elementary when Raynald Grenier is playing with the scale. He however brings a special soul to his music with this short and sweet song. It is touching, and unites a joyous melody with a hint of melancholy. As a composer, Raynald attempts to connect with all kinds of styles. Though this is a classical format, in this short piece we feel a plethora of emotions. It is phrased perfectly, as usual, as he bounces within the walls of the scale that make this song so enriching. This kind of music is what makes him a groundbreaking composer, aiming to bridge the efforts of classical with a contemporary listening mind.

Raynald Grenier has brilliant songs with Dolci momenti and stellar treats within the composition. His music will transport you to the vinyl of the drama or the echoing halls of the Church. Listen to his song here and follow him for more!: