To be in a suspended state of being, where time ceases to matter. Vishal Naidu is not immortal, but he wishes his music could be. With instrumental melodies that range from being maladies to overwhelming episodes of joy-he releases another anecdote. Reveries in Grey is his latest single, ironically being the colour of your day.

There is much complexity, in the colour grey. It represents a threshold, neither black nor white. Taking us through a tapestry of tales-Vishal Naidu braces us for the sight that transformed him. From gentle finger style guitar that acts as a hypnotic, a dense, rich strumming pattern weaves into a premise. The production quality allows the instruments to be layered, the string sound sandwiched in between. The piano follows at the end of the trail, only adding flourishes. With his primary instrument leading the way, the crescendo into the Orphic site is the reward. The surrounding melancholy is that, it is impalpable. This sound is beyond words and not defined by them, the void in the lyrics are never felt due to the sobriety of the arrangement itself.

Vishal has brought about intense emotional respites using the pious structure of his instrument itself. Not limited to, but creatively, finding the boundaries of what this genre can do is exciting and dumbfounding at times. Both his albums, Circadian and Fragments of Serenity dive into themes that exist in an instrumental, but meta world. To find reason to this consuming power of music leads nowhere, but this meditation on it like you read above sure does help. Listen to his intense single here: