Leuer is a contemporary pop and electronic music artist with sonic perspectives that stand hand in hand with the likes of Coldplay, Troye Sivan, and the like. His artistry is born out of his love for uniting the poetry of music and melody of words. Leuer’s tracks spread across the romantic spectrum, exploring themes like love, relationships, and matters of the heart. In his latest track, I Can’t Believe I Found You, Leuer uses euphoric arrangements and soaring drills to conceptualize the emotion in the vocals. The track is distilled with filters of magic of the theme and bejeweled happiness. 

The song opens with skidding beat arches, dimensionalized by auto tuned vocals. Leuer aims for smooth pallets that he effortlessly manipulates like a sonic puppeteer to enhance the theme. Muted vocal pulses fall along with blooming, rippling, dotting, and sparkling synths. In a way, it is as if the artist is attempting to reconcile with a magical reality. Surreal vapors envelope the track, and with it, the mind of the listener. The final section of the song unravels on the heels of a fast tracked rhythm that is built up by sublime house formations and racing melodies. 

The track is available for streaming on popular sites like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, and Amazon Music! 

You can listen to I Can’t Believe I Found You by Leuer here –