Sekusile (Kikirikiki) is the latest release from Lorraine Klaasen & Mongezi Ntaka. Taken from ‘Ukubonga’ [Gratitude], it is the first from a collection of songs from the Southern Africa’s Township music songbook and features songs written by some of Southern Africa’s celebrated singers and composers including Dorothy Masuka, Miriam Makeba, the Dark City Sisters, Dolly Rathebe, Mahotella Queens and Hugh Masekela. The Township music sound comes from a people who have endured and triumphed over very difficult times. Township music has preserved a lot of indigenous cultures of Africa through it’s flexibility in adapting to new technologies and has also influenced political and social change.
An embracing rhythm is set by warm acoustic strings and Djembe Drum. With the maracas bridging the melody and main line of percussion, the circling rhythm has the effect of immediately grabbing our attention. Its historical and cultural roots bubble with mirthful energy in the vocals and dancing beats. The flow is full of light and joy, positivity and hope. Always looking onward, taking life and difficulties in stride with a smile and kindness.
Featuring compositions of celebrated South-African singers, Miriam Makeba and The Dark City Sisters, the song creates an oasis for carefree fun; where people can go to forget their troubles and celebrate the good things. And, Klassen and Ntaka have done a terrific job at not only preserving the culture but also the Township style and its signature charm with this track. It is playful and has a unifying rhythm that pulls people together into lively jives. The song summons images of wide childlike grins, heads thrown back by irrepressible laughter and reminds us of the strength in joy and jubilation.
The contagious fun contained in the vocal modulations and dancing strings have us dropping our burden and joining in the festivities of everyday life and love. Beautifully done.
Listen to Sekusile (Kikirikiki) by Lorraine Klaasen & Mongezi Ntaka here –