Tende Kasha is a Reggae musician born in Luanda, Angola and brought up in Portugal, London and Australia. He has had a passion for music from a very early age and it is through music that he has been able to heal from the hardships of war and vocal cord spasms in his lifetime. His second single “Mr Liar” gives us a taste of his EP “Unite Stand Right” releasing this summer.

“Mr Liar” starts off by setting a very smooth base with sultry strings, light hi-hats and a very seductive ambience. We are introduced to the voice of Tende Kasha through his humming which leaves the listener anticipating what is to come. The staccato chords on the strings create an upbeat atmosphere and the light percussion keep things airy. The bass guitar that runs in the background throughout the track was my favourite element. Tende Kasha’s voice is strong, emotional and captivating on this track.

While sonically the track hints at being a joyous dance party, lyrically the themes explored are darker. It is intensely emotional and serves as a confession for the guilt and regret of someone who has treated a loved one wrong. Speaking of loss, shame, stress, loss of hope and blame, the single still manages to add humour with lines like “a dumb liar”. This non-concordance can be radical and form-shifting in my opinion. It gives us the possibility of dancing away to grief and shows us that not all sadness needs to be sombre.

“Mr Liar” stays true to its genre and serves as a medium for an artist to express all slices of the spectrum of human emotion. This display of vulnerability by Tende Kasha is much appreciated!

You can find out more about the artist on their website – https://tendekasha.com/