Blueprint Tokyo is a music duo based in Oklahoma City consisting of artists Kevin Dawson and Andrew Hale. Their work can be classified within the genres of indie-rock and dream pop and their hometown self-admittedly influences their music deeply. They have been releasing music for over three years now and their latest EP “Blue” starts off with the very energetic track “Odysseus”.
“Odysseus” has a very twangy sonic palette with cloudy synths doing the heavy lifting when it comes to setting up the ambience. The track has a lot of elements coming at the listener right from the get go, however it does a great job of retaining its lightness without letting the instrumentation get too heavy. The electronic touch adds materiality and darkness to the track while the sharp and crisp drums keep the rhythm up!
The vocals are layered and filled with angst leaving the listener with a soothing yet urgent feeling. The production on the track makes large amounts of space in between for just instrumentation, which I personally enjoyed quite a bit! The pacing, vocal tones and the sonic palette keep changing from soft to dark to light to almost hardcore rock towards the end. These shifts are a display of versatility and a sense of unpredictability.
The existential songwriting filled with heartbreak and hope along with the very high energy and grand ending set up the perfect starting spot for the rest of the EP. Makes sure to check out “Blueprint Tokyo” by Odysseus here: