Coma Beach is a Rock band based in Germany that primarily makes art withing the genres of Punk Rock and Alternative Rock. They have been releasing music for over two decades exploring themes such as chaos, pain and rage. “A Madman’s Dream” is the fourth track from their debut album released in 1995 “The Scapegoat’s Agony” whose title is a reference to Irish playwright Samuel Becket’s work “Waiting for Godot”.

“A Madman’s Dream” starts off with intentionally rough vocals yelling and screaming spoken word that sets up a lyrical theme along with percussion that backs it up hard. The beat is heavy yet simple, acting as a time keeper and backbone on to which the other instruments can make their presence felt. The vocals are constantly layered and the production plays with space in the second and third verse.

The track has a very grungy and grimy sonic palette which it does not take to the extreme of absolute darkness. While most of the chaos stems from the guitars, the tone of the strings sway towards Rock much more than grunge. The guitar solo after the second verse especially has a teen rock feeling to it, which makes the track lighter.

The songwriting takes an absurd tone and is hyper specific in the process of describing existence in the mind of a mad man. Initially admitted in a hospital with “White Coats” and “Nurses”, the fear that such a condition can strike at one’s heart is explored. The descent into madness of the unnamed anti-hero in Samuel Becket’s play is referenced heavily in the lyricism.

If you are looking for alternative punk rock with clever literary references, makes sure to check out “A Madman’s Dream” by Coma Beach here: