Marina & The Kats are a stylish, vintage-flavored indie swing quartet. They are chic, sophisticated and have an edge that you can’t help but get hooked on. Marina’s vocals are raw, whiskey soaked wonder. Smokey and enigmatic, they pervade into the instrumental space and lead it. It’s like her voice is the lens with which you see the dynamic and technicolor bloom of the melodies and beats. Marine & The Kats have released ‘Up, Up’, a single that encourages a charismatic defiance and nonchalance when everything sucks and is the absolute worst. Listen Now!
The track is introduced by Marina’s vocals. It is a bluesy swirl, a summer cocktail that refreshes the listener. And come chorus, the thematic hook forms. The mellow anthem, ‘Put your middle fingers up, up’ and its energy calls for an interaction from us. And you can’t help it because they are cool cats and you instantly want to be them. The bridge is full of vogue and funk as it sets up for a liberating climax.
The quartet is comprised of Marina Zettl – Vocals and Snare Drum, Thomas Mauerhofer – Guitar, Vocals, Peter Schönbauer – Bass, Bass Drum, Vocals, Harald Baumgartner – Guitar, Percussion, Vocals.
The track is available for streaming on popular sites like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, and Amazon Music!
You can listen to ‘Up, Up’ by Marina & The Kats here –