Obscure and tragic, Scarlet Mill is an European duo who string theatrical ballads that are loaded with melodrama and melancholy of the vanquished. Their vintage sound palettes and composition take us on emotional odysseys that are redolent of a Shakespearean sonnet. In their new release, Sinking Man, the Scarlet Mill duo paint a Dosteoevskian portrait of a despondent and hopeless sailor.
The essence of tragedy is eternal. It’s never-ending and unchanging. This glamrock ballad makes a melodic torture instrument for the soul. Its melancholic piano and vintage vibrato guitar melodies lead the doleful procession with a dragging rhythm. The dreary vocals spread out like an overcast sky; a gloomy drizzle drenching the canvas.
Telling the story of a devastated sailor contemplating his evil deeds, the song bleeds poetically with his horror. A dark hammond organ sets the scene for the sauntering sailor, as he howls with misery into a trumpet; a mournful interlude of resignation and redemption.
The duo debuted in 2020 with their album, Chronicles, a murder ballad in seven parts. It’s loaded with hyperbole of haunted tragedies that tell a heartbreaking story of love and heartbreak. Over the last two years, the duo has released five singles, each playing out its own Graecian tragedy.
Available on Spotify, YouTube Music, Apple Music, Amazon Music, and JioSaavn!
You can listen to Sinking Man by Scarlet Mill here –