You know that feeling you get when you’re driving on a highway, with your windows rolled down, to a faraway destination? That is how I felt listening to the song “Kind” by Sukh and that is a feeling I’d hold on to. Sukhdeep Singh Krishan known widely as Sukh has released his latest album “Heading East”. “Kind” is the first song of this album and it instantly fills you up with hope. The vibrant acoustic guitars are accompanied by mellow chords on the keys and a swing beat which creates an uplifting mood. When the vocals jump in, I could hear hues of country music influences, and traces of indie pop and folk, making it an enjoyable and easy listen. The hopeful melodies drive the song and give it its characteristic nostalgic essence.
The lyrics of the song flow from the heart, raw and passionate. The vocalist has dug into the genuineness of the melody and the lyrics and as a result, every part of the song is filled with emotions. The use of a lead guitar, playing filler licks all over the song and the retro solo in the middle really make the song stand out. As the song ends, the artist slows it down and the vibe changes entirely. There is an instant shift in the mood bringing about a dramatic effect. The song shifts into an elegant tune about love, with the vocals singing harmony and the acoustic guitars playing some beautiful arpeggios.
You can listen to “Kind” by Sukh here –