CellaFox is a German-based pop rock band with an unconventional pulse. The group’s sound is a creative extension of its members. Blending each one’s unique styles, preferences, and ideas, their collaborative sonic essence breathes life into the music. Consisting of experimental and progressive Stefan, dynamic vocalist Nicole, and an innovative producer, their music is a spectral projection. Nothing is off limits and everything is believed to add value and perspective to the performance. Their latest release is ‘Battlecry Off Fallen’. It is a rising power pop track with a fleet of influences ranging from synth pop to hard and prog rock propensities. 

The track has an anthemic trajectory and wraps the theme within this structure. So you can expect high energy, goose bumps inducing, high highs. Nicole’s evocative chorals open the track against a silent backdrop. And then with a strong beat, the instrumentals unravel. Atmospheric riffs, blazing bass lines, and dramatic beats. Listeners of Karnivool will especially  enjoy the guitar work and the instrumental dimensions. The vocals remain evocative and pop-based, drawing a nice contrast with the brimming textures, tones, and sensibilities of the instrumentals. Listen Now! 

The track is available for streaming on popular sites like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, and Amazon Music! 

You can listen to ‘Battlecry Off Fallen’ by CellaFox here –