Grunge rock band Dirty Mitts is back with another gritty single titled Women. Strongly reminiscent of 70s rock, they elevate the crunchy riff lines with flamboyance and sensuality. We also see funk grooves built into this machination, and you can’t help but relate the sonic appeal to bands like Queen, Led Zeppelin, and even the Rolling Stones to some extent. The melody line is experimental in its evasiveness, it forms along the ebbing and flowing riff contours. We also see unexpected blooms of blues rock and rock n roll. It plays beautifully into the grunge scene. Listen Now!

iTunes Artwork for 'Women - Single (by Dirty Mitts)'

The track fathoms a glazed, vintage sultry-ness that perfectly sets out the theme. Tommy’s vocal promiscuity brings a powerful personality to the track, and breathes life to the lyrics. And the dilated rhythm gives us an insight into the magnificent bass spheres and clarifies the role of the distortions. The grunge gets progressively dirty with texture and timbre.

Dirty Mitts are Tommy (singer), Matt (bass player), Mo (both guitarists), and Mateusz (drums). Formed in 2022, the members are from UK, Poland, and Egypt. Since their debut, they’ve released four tracks, each one grubbier than the last.

The track is available for streaming on popular sites like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, and Amazon Music!

You can listen to Women by Dirty Mitts here –
