Singer-songwriter Louisiana Claude Hitt has just released his EP, The Road Travelled which is opened by the track Kool Me Down. The country-rock track is an instant winner with its all-feeling country blues blended with soft-rock melodies for the soul.

The track is warm and comforting; seamlessly showcasing the meeting point of old-school rock with winding country melodies. Liquid riffs flow with smooth country nostalgia that invokes memories of rolling green fields, endless blue skies, and the sharp freshness of the morning air. This is played in combination with cymbal clicks, jolly beats, and soft rock riffs to form a perfect blend of country and rock.

The low-tonal vocals of the artist are simple and fit right in with the canvass. It powers the retro vibe that the artist is trying to bring out. With a swinging rhythm, the song streams with uninterrupted energy as it follows the artist’s vocals. Listening to the song is like stepping into the 60s’ and engaging with its traditions and fashion. And the way the artist uses the song’s title makes it an addictive leitmotif that we keep circling back to. The guitar solo courses with the artist’s passion for the instrument and his innate skill.

Listening to its stunning curves that lead us to spontaneous pockets of bliss is like watching a magic show. Thoroughly awe-inspiring and lovely to behold, the track is definitely a must-listen.

Available on Spotify and YouTube Music!

Listen to Kool Me Down by Louisiana Claude Hitt here –