Mojo Brothers Band’s specialty and appeal is at the core of their vintage sound. Blending country, rock, and blues, the band presents the sound of old America. With memorable rhythms and vocal performances, the music is reminiscent of artists like Johnny Cash, Pat Green, Tom Petty, Hank Williams and the like. Mojo Brothers Band has just released their latest single, Devil’s Eye. The track is driven by bluesy riffs and groovy lines. With a touch of the swings, the beats take us back to the 60s and 70s. Listen Now!

We see a lot of eclectic influences within the song that speak to the virtuoso of the band. The blues are pretty prominent, but looping their dazing romance and tragedy into rock textures and long-winded country instrumentation, the band sets out a prime sound. It’s beautiful how they phase through the genres especially in the midway arc. The strident riffs are progressively blurred to take on smooth folk violin frames. The texture and tonal play set across the track is scintillating.

You can learn more about the band and follow their work more closely here :

The track is available for streaming on popular sites like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, and Amazon Music!

You can listen to ‘Devil’s Eye’ by Mojo Brothers Band here –