Mums Favourite is an indie rock band from Adelaide. The group explores vintage blues on their own terms. And boy! Is it resplendent! They have quite a sonic charisma that is distinctively theirs. In their latest track, ‘Wind in the Willows’, Mums Favourite empower melancholy with darkness and rock n roll. You can instantly pick up on vintage influences that underscore their sound. If you treasure 70s psychedelia, visionary sonic builds, and a hardcore will to play, this band is for you.

The band is fronted by singer-songwriter Sasha Theunissen. Her smoky vocals and versatile performances have a way of transforming themes. In this track, she channels a strident Amy Winehouse into a Led Zeppelin soundscape, spraying the thematic consciousness that swirls within the instrumental machination. The mercurial basslines challenge and inspire the riffs, beats, and melody lines, driving them to seek and fathom cerebral sensibilities. Listen Now!

Mums Favourite is Sasha, Brooke on bass, Nic on rhythm guitar, Marlee on lead guitar, and Jordy on drums.

The track is available for streaming on popular sites like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, and Amazon Music!

You can listen to ‘Wind in the Willows’ by Mums Favourite here –