Ollie Twohill is an Australian-based singer-songwriter who reveals his heart in eclectic rock and pop flavors of which his new single, Hollow is an example. The artist wrote this track about his feelings at the time of an unexpected breakup. What you are about to listen to is what ensued in the aftermath when he sat down to collect his thoughts and reflect. With this track, the artist deviates from his pop-punk style that dominated his singles, Neverland and Silk Dress.

Melancholic baritone vocals serenade us, oozing with melancholy and endearing resignation. It accurately depicts the hollowness of expiring memories, their romance fading with time. 

The drum beats are hearty and are the best sidekick of the emotive guitar strings. Molten and flourishing through the conduits in the vocals, the guitar acts as a North Star. It is the song’s poetic compass, only enhanced by the tender lyrics and tone. Swelling with the immutable passion of tragedy, the track comes together in lovely ways. 

With slow-dancing guitar solos and vocal harmonies that melt our hearts, the track is drenched in sparkling melodies. And, the gradual progression of the beats grabs them all together and creates an explosive climax that colorfully pops into the mind. Completely wowing, the song is a vivacious portrayal of emotions and experiences that thoroughly engage the mind, heart, and spirit.

Available on Spotify, YouTube Music, and Apple Music!

Listen to Hollow by Ollie Twohill here –