Pale Moon is a lofi, dream pop band. Known for their aesthetically pleasing sonic blooms, Nata and Árni glide through life on glazed melodies and plush rhythms. Pale Moon’s soundscapes are intuitive indie swirls of soul, rock, pop, funk, and folk. And most of them explore slices of life, dilating and detailing the beautiful unraveling of consciousness. In their latest release, Spaghetti, the duo create a lovely itinerary of memories, moments, and magic. Listen Now!
The track is populated with ambience, imprinted with interesting and appealing textures. As their dazing personalities imprint on the listener, the vocals begin, dancing with a retro magic and lyricism that is reminiscent of Joni Mitchell, The Beach Boys, and Men I Trust. The groovy
guitar lines dispel an indie rock vibe but the vocals and synth interludes create cerebral galaxies of neo-soul, and folk-pop goodness. If you enjoy quirky melancholy and in the market to make an unexpected connection, this song is for you.
Pale Moon debuted in 2019 with their single, ‘Exile’ and has since released a litany of tracks that speak to their mesmerizing sonic rank.
The track is available for streaming on popular sites like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, and Amazon Music!
You can listen to Spaghetti by Pale Moon here –
Writer : Vindhya