Red Mountain Revolt are ready to diffuse the limp, spineless music that surrounds us. Inspired by some of the biggest names of the 70s to 90s rock movement, it is evident that what they make is going to be a cauldron of epic potions and proportions. Their latest single will remind you of that action montage with all the side effects. This is called I’ve Tried. 

It is the brilliant opening single of their album, Like a Loaded Gun. The kind of riff we are subjected to is nothing less than an explosion, in a series of explosions. You’ll be reminded of a Zeppelin chug in the run from the verse to chorus. An Alice in Chains vibe is felt in the vocals for most of it, while having obliterating vocals. Chris Cornell’s vocal pre-echo comes in as well, and is the perfect mixture for alt-rock and metal songs. Tonally, the duo have managed to create some hooks that would really amp up any event. With the kind of driving fire these guys provide, there is no surprise. Bassline parts are a gut punch, leading from riff to solo in furious fashion. Red Mountain Revolt have some incredible composition feel in their songs, and are a reminder that live music is alive and kicking. 

Listen to their single here and definitely check out the album where they rock out. Christian Nevi and Kyle Merritts have rocked our brains out, and I ensure you the same result from this very rewarding listen. Check out the single here: