Shaven Primates is an alt rock band with a remarkable retro appeal. For the most part, the group is incredibly experimental and innovative as they mold diverse subgenres into a cohesive soundscape. The band has just put out a five-track EP titled, Birds Aren’t Real. Across these tracks, we see grand variations of blues and soul rock, alongside psychedelic accents, grunge, and punk. The listener will definitely pick up on the contemporary interpretations of these styles whilst still maintaining the integrity of them all. The EP revolves around thought-provoking topics, including war, propaganda, and conspiracy theories. It’s a maniacal satire about the ways of the world. Listen Now!
The track opens with Latin-styled blues rock that instantly takes us back to Carlos Santana. This velvet atmosphere is transformed into a hard rock frame in the chorus. With anthemic vocals, soaring riffs, and strident beats, a dark cloud forms. The track drives at obsidian themes, poetically appropriating birds as signs of ominous premonitions. And going back and forth between soft soul and passionate uproars, melancholy and defiance find meaning within each other.
The track is available for streaming on popular sites like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, and Amazon Music!
You can listen to Birds Aren’t Real by Shaven Primates here –