Making us realize the magnificence of ourselves, Beware Wolves brings out the grand odds of each of our existence in his track, For the Love of You. As a part of the Beware Wolves series, the song is taken from Volume 3.

With his signature acoustics and informal style, the artist draws yet another bridge between his heart and ours. He tugs at the strings of randomness and illuminates the fantastic opportunity that we have all been given to be alive- to see, hear, smell, touch, taste, and feel. By employing the romance of the cosmos and its vast potential, we are reminded that we are here to have fun and savor our life, each moment at a time.

Underneath the meaty strings, delicate melodies shine with wisdom and dance with grace. The vocals have a quaint quality; timeless and ever-expanding. Its tone and texture are as tranquil as a lake in the middle of the mountains. Pockets of acoustic silence pool at the base of the mind and birth reflective moments. The song is a much needed euphonic therapy with a transforming message.

Available on Spotify, YouTube Music, and Apple Music!

Listen to For the Love of You by Beware Wolves here –