A magical universe of melodies and feelings rain on us in this new single, Marigold by Birds are better. The artist uses wonderful imagery and symbolism to bring the song to life. Throughout the song, we experience the tranquility of evergreen forests and oceanic worlds. We run through fields of flowers under the clear blue sky and witness the excitement of flowing rivers and whispering leaves.
The slow marching acoustic guitar and illuminating key melodies gradually create a whirlwind of tenderness that readily seeps into us. Baritone vocals engage in cosmic parlance with the bobbing tempo and streaming synths. The combination is reminiscent of a babbling brook that we unexpectedly chance upon in the grandeur of evergreen forests.
It’s amazing to see how the artist uses active and vibrant melody patterns to cast a calming spell. The sounds, strangely but definitely emerge out of the essence of nature. They showcase its majesty and matchless grace, expanding like a festive awning. Arising out of scattered pollen, slithering out of roots, and dripping from raindrops, the melodies serve up a beautiful emotional pallet.
Simultaneously, the vocals are a misty presence that envelope the soundscape, casting sprinkles of wisdom and humility. Toward the end, the artist delivers an entrancing climax, amplified by violin melodies and alluring synths. Masterfully composed, the artist succeeds in his mission of making us aware of the magnificent power of nature, its beauty, resilience, and fragility.
Listen to Marigold by Birds are better here –