The Pain Paints Paintings album (released in late 2021) is a spiraling exposition, with each track growing into the other, a musical museum of pain. The title of the album alludes to the transformation of pain into artistic expression. Taken from this album, PTSD is a powerful track in which Dax chases down the tendrils of trauma and faces off with his demons.
No one knows pain like Dax. The artist is known for his autobiographical compositions, drawn heavily from the labyrinths of his mind and wealth of experiences. With an emphasis on R&B/Soul, the artist bleeds for his art, to create visceral musical journeys that resonate with all of us.
Trauma is immortal. It slithers into us and festers, waging war against love and war. The track is a bloody battlefield. With dramatic basslines in an otherwise still soundscape, the vocals stalk the silver tongue of pain and goad it to emerge. Its theatrical exhibition is raw and revealing: unraveling with hysteria and a feverish zeal. Listening to the song is nothing short of an operatic show.
Available on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, and Amazon Music!
You can listen to PTSD from the Pain Paints Paintings album by Dax here –