You might know Meghan Pulles from an anthem she created during the pandemic. It was called How Much Longer, and it resonated with thousands across the world. She has had a couple of releases for this year, her latest being Anxiety. It is a mellow and touching track, with a journal page of truth as the lyrics.

With only strumming and her voice, she sounds like Fiona Apple or has the stride of Joni Mitchell. The control and balance of tone and her voice is exemplary, it carries the track. The isolated nature of this raw performance ensure that the matters of her heart are heard out. It is a cumulation of fears, of presentation, the future and how she is perceived. An all natural feeling for all performers, she shows us a glimpse into this moment that defines so many musicians. The lead on the acoustic that comes in after the 2-minute mark is remembered as the riff for this song. It is a simple lead, adds volume and texture to this deep track.

Her tracks Lonely Town and ghost of sound have been catching on as fan favourites. Meghan Pulles has a voice has a pleasing balance that make her performances a touching triad of elegance, style and writing ability. She is writing her own future with these immaculate tracks, shards of memories and sounds that have defined her as a performer. Listen to her moving track here: