Kurt Seßler and Werner Zeeb are a musical duo from the South of Germany. Their compositions range from pop, rock, singer-songwriter and electronica; each one a memorable and novel concert of them all. They are known to fathom and explore abstract themes, all of which they forge a profound human quotient in. That’s the primary appeal of this duo. They are musically proficient and all. But their zeal for ideation and conceptualisation is not something you stumble upon often. Sometimes they explore symmetries, and other times celebrate the asymmetric nature of the human condition. 

iTunes Artwork for 'If No One - Single (by Seßler/Zeeb)'

In their latest release, ‘If No One’, the duo adopt a more soft and storytelling tone. Carried by mellow acoustics and a philosophical air, it is a track about reinstating a sense of sensitivity and empathy in us all. The change starts from one person and spreads like a ripple. So, the artists urge us to be the change we want to see instead of complaining about how nobody cares, and everybody has become indifferent and apathetic towards other people. It urges us to form a human connection, care about our neighbors and take care of the old generations. It has a Phil Collin-esque tone and sensibility to it. Listen Now! 

The track is available for streaming on popular sites like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, and Amazon Music! 

You can listen to ‘If No One’ by Seßler/ Zeeb here –