The Maze is an eclectic rock banner hailing from Gothenburg, Sweden. Their love for the genre is unfettered, ranging across all its styles. You name it. Alt rock, americana, grunge, garage rock, blues. So when you listen to The Maze, you never know what you’re gonna get next. The band’s debut single, ‘The Edge’ was a prog rock hit, full of gusto and explosive rhythms, seamlessly accentuated with metal elements. But with their sophomore release, ‘Crossroads’, The Maze and Liam Espinosa take a drastic turn and dive into breezy country rock frames. With profound lyrics, mellow instrumentals, and evocative vocals, it is an immersive listening experience. The soundscape curves with blues, the Southern roots igniting the thematic emotion even more. Listen Now!

iTunes Artwork for 'Crossroads (feat. Liam Espinosa) - Single (by The Maze)'

The progression of the track is stupendous. It is elegant because it gives the theme to breathe and fully form. There’s a lot of intense candor detailed into the vocals in a way that affects you and pulls you into the canvas. The doting melody lines further elevate the thematic destiny. In the bridge, the soulfulness is burnished with a stellar blues guitar solo. To revel in that space in the wake of these well-formed sensibilities is nothing short of arresting.

The track is available for streaming on popular sites like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, and Amazon Music!

You can listen to ‘Crossroads’ by The Maze and Liam Espinosa here –